Submit your review.

All reviews are eligible for print on the covers of upcoming collections.

  • “Your poems are amazing. Incredible, raw, powerful and beautiful. I commend you for such vulnerability.”

    — Blythe, 23, Texas

  • “The author has the ability to paint pictures with words, make music with words, and to want to take the journey of trust and love over and over again in life. She reaches into your soul with honesty and beauty. She’s way ahead of her time.”

    — Betty, 85, Texas

  • “Your work is thought-provoking and easily relatable. It brings back my own memories of love lost, time, growing old. Thanks again. I look forward to reading more.”

    — Joshua, 35, Colorado

  • “Thank you for understanding the feelings I couldn’t put into words.”

    — Jamie, 19, Arkansas

  • “You really capture the moment. Your writing is powerful and beautiful.”

    — Brian, 25, Colorado

  • “The way the author expresses the anguish, and even revelations, are extremely inspiring. Anna Frazier’s poetry really lifts the spirits; the way she opens up makes her words reach out to the reader in an impactful way.”

    — Kress, 22, Texas

  • “Thanks so much for writing. I’ve been having a really bad OCD week, and I read the whole last third of it when I couldn’t sleep last night.”

    — Josie, 20, Colorado

  • “Legendary.”

    — Carlos, 24, Colorado

  • “The truths that Anna Frazier explores in The Mind’s Mess are painful but undeniably essential. She brings to light the secrets we try to hide from ourselves in a brave and vivid fashion. She comes as close to bringing pure emotion onto page as any I have ever read, and her future works will continue to astound and bring tears to my eyes. I cannot wait.”

    — Trevor, 23, Texas

  • “Powerful.”

    — Kathy, 77, California

  • “The Moon Reaches For Me is page turner of hope and joy. Will look forward to reading anything this incredibly talented writer publishes in the future.”

    — Jane, 85, Texas

  • “Thank You For The Flowers is a collection unlike any other. I felt like the author took my hand and led me through an emotional journey where you come out the other side wiser, kinder and tender. A true work of art — I had such an emotional experience reading it. Incredible job! ”

    — Naomi, 24, Colorado

  • “Violet Afternoon perfectly captures the essence of life; light and dark. Purely emotional.”

    — Keum, 27, Virginia

  • “The Mind’s Mess is a beautiful and gut-wrenching exploration of the effects of trauma on the body and soul. The author gives voice to unspeakable events and creates the oh-so-necessary space for her readers to enter into their own mind's mess.”

    — Shannon, 24, Minnesota

  • “Anna Frazier’s poetry makes you feel that life is worth reaching for the moon. And with trust and love, the moon will reach for you.”

    — Katherine, 76, Kansas

  • “I love it. I think The Mind’s Mess captures the emotions that a lot of people feel but aren’t sure how to express. It really made me look at my own life from new and different perspectives.”

    — Matt, 20, Texas

  • “I really like how The Moon Reaches For Me as a whole is a story of love’s progress.”

    — Kress, 23, Texas

  • “Elizabeth Young is still amazing. I couldn’t put it down. I just finished it again. Every time I open it, I close it feeling like something previously unknown has been revealed.”

    — Trevor, 24, Texas

  • “I couldn’t put The Mind’s Mess down. It is very powerful and so well done, such a beautiful gift. Anna is a strong, courageous woman — what a magnificent job she did.”

    — Mary, 63, Colorado

  • “This book of poetry is fabulous. The Moon Reaches For Me is a young girl’s love story. Remarkable in every way.”

    — Ann, 91, Ohio

  • “Elizabeth Young: The Mind’s Mess is a strikingly truthful expression of one individual’s journey through the ineffable. It is a homage to the beauty and despair of the human condition — and it captures the full spectrum of that experience in a way that only honest and cathartic self-reflection could. This anthology is the journey of one person, but just as all great poetry does, speaks to the collective soul of the reader, and humanity, itself. “

    — Alex, 22, Colorado

  • “I cannot think how many young years you must have spent writing The Moon Reaches For Me. It is very profound, raw & beautiful.”

    — Allison, 37, Colorado

  • “Elizabeth Young: The Mind’s Mess made me weep with joy at the bravery and honesty of the author. The ability to put these feelings into poetry is a gift from God, that Anna uses with the intention of sharing her deepest emotions.”

    — Jane, 85, Texas

  • “Violet Afternoon is a beautiful perspective on nature and emotion.”

    — Matt, 25, Texas

  • “I’m reading The Moon Reaches For Me again now. It’s so good! You really are so descriptive and relatable. I think you’re just much more aware and perceptive, and you’ve got a gift of expression that most people, your age or older, don’t have.”

    — Lorraine, Texas

  • “Elizabeth Young made a great poolside read. You are beyond your time.”

    — Becca, 30, Texas

  • “The Moon Reaches For Me is a collection of poetry that takes you on a journey that no one should miss. I heard the music, and now I can keep dancing. Thank you.”

    — Betty, 85, Texas

  • “I highly recommend Elizabeth Young for those who love poetry, those who want a quick read or those who are going through trying times because it really helps!”

    — Kress, 22, Texas

  • “Two minds, one body. Elizabeth Young: The Mind’s Mess brings a new and refreshing perspective on one’s journey through life’s challenges.”

    — Keum, 25, Washington

  • “The minute I picked it up, I could not put it down. I read every word.”

    — Mary, 65, Arizona

  • “Elizabeth Young is a great book for those who love poetry and, also, for anyone who has experienced grief, or loss, or who is working through pain.”

    — Noelle, 49, Ohio

  • “An amazing read. Full of honesty and vulnerability about real life. BUY ELIZABETH YOUNG! So good!”

    — Alicia, 23, Texas

  • “Each page of Violet Afternoon opens a door to a beautiful world of words that inspire intrigue and evoke a sense of awareness about one's self.”

    — Sam, 30, Pennsylvania

  • “Reading Elizabeth Young. Again. Never too many times. A work of art.”

    — Betty, 85, Texas

  • “Have been enjoying Snow Hills. You are a skilled and emotionally powerful wordsmith.”

    — David, 58, Colorado

  • The poems that resonated most with me were "End,” "True Love,” "Luggage,” and "Grounding On County Road 3201." Wow, you truly have a remarkable talent!

    - Mitchell, 28, Michigan